
Myths About Electrolysis Hair Removal (Part 1)
Check Your Facts. Myth: Electrolysis is obsolete. Today’s technology has made electrolysis more advanced and safe. It is the only method backed up by US Food

Myths About Electrolysis Hair Removal (Part 2)
Myth – Busted. Myth: Temporary methods of hair removal can be better. Chemical depilatories in liquids or creams form are often used to remove body hair.

Electrolysis: A Time-Tested Hair Removal Technique
The History of Electrolysis As A Hair Removal Technique Permanent hair removal using electrolysis has come a long way since its beginnings in 1875. It is

Electrolysis: The Best Method For Hair Removal
Find Out Why Electrolysis Is The Best Method For Hair Removal Hair growth is the result of heredity and hormone levels. Some drugs, temporary methods of

Ever Thought About How An Electrolysis Hair Removal Procedure Is Done?
Here Is How The Electrolysis Hair Removal Procedure Is Carried Out Electrolysis is permanent hair removal. Regardless of the cause may it be heredity, metabolic,